Cleonmaye Corp. Research & Development

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Our Mission

The mission of Cleonmaye Corp. is to help small businesses and advance renewable energy research and development. 

Assisting Businesses Since 2015

Cleonmaye Corp. Research and Development is both a consulting and R&D firm located in
Queens, NY. The company was founded to advance research in the area of renewable energy. Since its
inception there has been many changes to get us to where we are today. 


We believe that nature is the best teacher and we should always incorporate holistic and natural solutions wherever possible. 

Management Consulting

Our Management Consulting division focuses on small and medium-sized businesses which include startups and non-profits. We have experience in the food, fashion, arts, transportation, construction, technology, healthcare, hospitality, public sector, real estate, and banking industries.

Research & Development

We provide education, strategic Public-Private Partnerships (PPP), direct access to government buyers for technologies, and develop next-generation technologies.

Helping Businesses 5 Years In a Row

We know that many companies that were started with good intentions have fell short of their founder’s visions, and we hope to avoid that fate.


Average profit per year


Average invest per year

Making an Impact

The company was originally founded by Dr. Ryan Letts, DBA, who migrated from the island of Jamaica, and also a US Army Veteran in 2015. The company has since grown to five partners and a network of over 300 professionals and our Research and Development division has grown to include strategic partnerships with some of the world’s leading educational, governmental, and private organizations and thousands of researchers worldwide. Today we offer a suite of services to our clients both in the private and public sectors.

Our Services

The services that we provide are recommendations and you have the option to adjust them to your needs. You can browse our site and inquire about our other services to see if they may be right for you. If you need more immediate attention you can schedule a consultation for a time that is convenient for you through our appointment scheduler. Detailed descriptions of our services can be found on our “Services” page.

Pre-bid Conference Prep

The pre-bid conference is an often-overlooked aspect of government contracting that most people take for granted. The purpose of the pre-bid conference is to communicate fairly to potential bidders the information that they will need to submit a valid and viable bid or proposal. Many important things happen at the pre-conference bid besides merely communicating information relevant to the project.

Launch Assistance

While you are getting ready to open your doors (or website) for the first time there are many steps and obstacles to overcome before you can launch. Our launch assistance service helps through 8 various stages of the launch process. From concept development to business plan execution we will be with you every step of the way until your grand opening.

Loan Package Completion

All lenders require that business owners complete a loan application to request funds. Some loan applications are simple, and others are more complex. For first-time and even seasoned business owners the loan process can be complicated and lending applications can be confusing especially if you are not familiar with the terminologies.

RFP/RFQ Response

So you have identified a government contract that you think will be perfect for your company and you are ready to submit a response. How can you be sure that you have done it correctly and increased your chances of winning the bid? The Requests for Proposals (RFP) and Requests for Quotes (RFQ) have specific guidelines issued by the issuing agencies for them to be considered valid, minor oversights can mean the difference between winning and losing a bid.

Government Contracting

Federal, State, and local governments are always in need of goods and services which they must procure from businesses like yours. Government contracting can be a very lucrative option for your company; however, the process to get certified and to win contracts can be confusing and arduous.

Startup Roadmap

The startup roadmap is a document that is tailored for your specific endeavor. The startup roadmap provides clear guidance on the steps that you need to take to get your company from its current position to your grand opening. There are many steps to take to start up your company the right way and avoiding beginner mistakes is one of the best benefits of having a Startup Roadmap.

On-going Support

Business owners and managers need help in a variety of ways but are often expensive to get outside help. From having a knowledgeable ear to bounce your ideas off to providing you with timely resources to resolve irregular matters. Our on-going support services provide the guidance that you need when things are at their most chaotic and don’t know where else to turn.

Strategic Planning Session

Strategic planning sessions take place after consultations and are specific to a particular focus. Strategic planning sessions range from simple one on one meetings with owner/managers to the complex where multiple teams or companies are involved. The sessions are designed to formulate strategies and explore possible outcomes. The goal of the sessions is to produce solutions that owners and managers can implement along with an expected time frame to see results.

Management Audit

Management teams should operate seamlessly and efficiently, sadly this does not always happen. If your company is not performing the way that it should it could be a result of poor management. A management audit can provide insights into how your management team perceives the company, their approach to problem-solving, delineation of functions, their risk tolerance, and their deft.


Introducing a one-of-a-kind service that is only offered through Cleonmaye Corp. which will help to drive your sales up. This simple yet ingenious service is like having an extra employee who greets all of your guests when they enter your business. All you have to do is type your message into a text box and it will be converted to a voice message that will replay every 15 minutes in series or at a time interval that you prefer.


For scalable startups that have innovative solutions and need access to resources such as major laboratories, subject matter experts, research teams, manufacturers, government buyers then Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Technology Transfer Research (STTR) can be an avenue to get government grants and resources.

Operations Audit

One of the most common reasons why businesses stagnate is because owners and managers fail to correctly assess the size of their operation versus what is currently needed to operate optimally. Carrying excess weight from too much inventory, overlap in functions, lack of cross-training, lack of incentive programs, compliance, etc. An audit of your operations can reveal areas of opportunity that can in turn generate more revenue for your company.

Signature Process

We know that when you reach out to us for assistance that you may be stressed and the last thing that you want to do is have to figure this process out. We will provide you with guidance so that you get the most out of your experience with us, and promise to make it as stress-free as possible.

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Queens, NY


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